
Minthara commentary & dialog from the game.

By: teenyweenypea <a href="https://twitter.com/teenyweenypea/status/1711388824994038173">source</a>

Player: You and Karlach seem to be friendly.

Nightwarden Minthara: I have never known anyone so ferocious and unassailable in battle, and yet so fragile and impermanent in their very being.

Nightwarden Minthara: I often think of mortality as a curse. In time, all that I am and all that I have known and learned will be lost. In time, our cities will be dust.

Nightwarden Minthara: Karlach does not seem to have such anxieties. Perhaps because she cannot afford to.

Nightwarden Minthara: She exists in the moment, and she will burn out and be gone in a moment. There is something very beautiful about that.

Minthara and Lae’zel enter an abandoned hospital. Lae’zel explains githyanki approaches to ‘medicine’.

Lae’zel: A waste of space and resources. Gith triage methods obviate the need for such crude facilities.

Nightwarden Minthara: Tell me about these methods.

Lae’zel: A githyanki ghustil can summon Astral energy to heal most any wound.

Lae’zel: If a warrior’s lacerations are beyond even their ability, the victim is beheaded.

Nightwarden Minthara: Efficient. We have much to learn from one another.

Player: You gave the name alurlssrin to the bond we share. What does it mean? 

Nightwarden Minthara: It means love.

Player: That’s not a word I ever expected to hear from you.

Nightwarden Minthara: It is not a word I ever expected to say.

Nightwarden Minthara: I have had many lovers, but none ever earned my trust and affection as you have.

Player: Then I agree. I alurlssrin you too.

Nightwarden Minthara: Alurlssrin is a noun.

Player: A pity. I don’t feel the same way. [‘Minthara -5’]

Nightwarden Minthara: Then cast the word from your thoughts and never think of it again. It should be easy enough given how much escapes that mind of yours.

Lae’zel: Our leader is a fool for love, Minthara. I’d never be compelled to conduct such a poorly-planned jailbreak.

Nightwarden Minthara: They did not do it for love. They did it for my prowess in combat, as well as coitus. I excel in both.

Lae’zel: As do I. Sometimes the acts are not dissimilar.

By: SongbirdN7 <a href="https://twitter.com/SongbirdN7/status/1711835830363295926">source</a>
By: SongbirdN7 <a href="https://twitter.com/SongbirdN7/status/1711835830363295926">source</a>
Karlach and Minthara dialog on love.

Player: Don’t you like wizards?

Nightwarden Minthara: Don’t sulk. I admire your mastery of the weave, but I have known many wizards.

Nightwarden Minthara: Their mastery of the weave is commendable, but they are poor conversationalists.

Nightwarden Minthara: In my experience, they do not usually live long enough to make the effort of befriending them worthwhile.

Nightwarden Minthara: I thought you might be in flames the next time I saw you. Karlach’s touch has that effect on people. 

Nightwarden Minthara: You should hurry back and warm your hands on her heart. Mine is altogether colder.

Player: I want to be with Karlach, I’m sorry if that hurts you.

Nightwarden Minthara: Unlike Karlach, I will recover.

Nightwarden Minthara: If you intend to be with her, do not fool yourself into thinking it is more than a brief dalliance before her fire is extinguished for good.

Player: I like the ice and the fire. Can’t I have you both?[‘Minthara -1’]

Nightwarden Minthara: Karlach will take pleasure wherever she can find it. Her life is too short to do otherwise.

Nightwarden Minthara: I can afford to have stricter expectations. I do not share anything that I desire.